So many excellent studio and other formal posed shots of Steven Wen gryn have appeared in the Physique magazines that we felt some casual at-home shots might be appreciated. Artists and illustrators particularly have asked for this type of pose because they have little use for the usually stilted muscle pose.
Steven was 20 at the time these pictures were taken, 175, 5'11". His chest is 44", waist 30", arms 15.5", neck 16", calf 16", thighs 23". Having worked out quite hard to bring his build up to its peak, he now uses the barbells only occasionally, though he likes all sports. He is studying business administration.
Last Fall, Steven did some fine new work with many of the top physique photographers of Hollywood and New York. He is offering some of this work himself and may be written personally at Callbox 26, Lenox Hill Station, New York 21, New York. Send him $3 for a set of 12 4x5 photos. Steve will be glad to autograph one o e of the shots for you if he is at home when the order is received. Sometimes he is travelling however so please specify if you want your order held until he gets back home to autograph a picture, or if you want it sent to you immediately. Athletic Model Guild 1834 West 11th Street Los Angeles 6, Califom shot all of the photos of Steve on this page and the cover shot as well. AMG offers Album XH of Steve which contains all but one of these goses for $2.50. There are 15 photo catalogs of Steve at $1.50 showing 16 miniatures from which 4x5 or 8x10 enlargements can be ordered $1.50 is the price of the complete set of catalogs). A beautiful Third-Dimension Stereo color set of Steve is available for $3.50 (these require the stereo-realist type viewer). A movie will be released soon entitled "WENGRYN AT THE BEACH". In the meantime movies of Steven can be obtained both from Apollo International and from Spectrum Films. The address of Spectrum is PO Box 35 Station E Cincinnati 19 Oh Apollo International may be written at 155 W 46th St. NY NY.
.....Letter from a Reader: DOES PP DEFEND IMMORALITY? "I think some of your editorial tirades are disgusting. If you had your way every kind of filth imaginable would be on the newsstands and probably on the television too. Dont you have any morals at all?" LU Boston Mass. Editor's Reply: "Indeed we do have a moral standard though admittedly it probably differs radically from that of LU. For instance, we are quite offended by hearing on our radio and in other public demonstrations the ritual of one of the world's most famous and finest churches, which uses a word describing on intimate part of a woman--an expression which we feel should not be used in a religious ceremony. Of course an opinion like this makes us cranks, whereas those who champion the restriction of the exposure of the buttocks are defenders of the nation's morals. "P.P. is 'agin sin' when we recognize it as such. We agree that newsstands are loaded with trash, though frankly we lack the time the interest to make a minute inspection of 'just how bad it is', a function which self-appointed censors so unselfishly perform. Whereas the censors Pofeel the 'trash' is capable of corrupting anyone (except themselves of course) their main concern is for adolescents. But psychiatrists tell us that
even outright erotica rather than awakening dormant passions, rather tends to provide a satisfying mental experience in those who have an interest but for various reasons are denied physical fulfillment. Censors of course feel that were the 'trash' not available the young people would content themselves with Alice in Wonderland, or the Encyclopedia Britannica.
Parents and others responsible for the moral development of young people must realize their duty lies in teaching the child to choose, rather than the completely negative and quite impossible tack of attempting to control what stimuli he will be subjected to. 'Forbidden' knowlege holds no lure to the child or youth who has been taught that no part of his body or his yearnings are 'bad' of themselves. To the degree young people are interested in physical culture, improving their bodies, art, etc, they will have less time for wasteful pursuits. If unthinking elders whether through ignorance or personal maladjustments attempt to draw vulgarity from the wholesome display of beautiful bodies (as has been done in the banning of physique books in some areas) then young minds who benefited from such books are quite likely to transfer their interests to yet other avenues which even the biased censor would agree to be less desirable."
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